Digitalisation of the catalogue for Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe, Uffizi Gallery (Euploos Project)
In 2017-2019, Progetto Cultura 2017-2019 renewed its support for the digitalisation project for the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe print collection held in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, bringing in young post-graduates from various disciplines – art history, photography and information technology.
The programme involves cataloguing, photographing and digitalising 64,700 drawings from the 14th to the 20th century, including works by Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael.
As well as a scientific dossier for each drawing, the Euploos website also publishes regular insights into different themes as well as online exhibitions.

Partnership with the “La Venaria Reale” Centre for Conservation and Restoration (CCR)
An arrangement with Turin’s Università degli Studi and the “La Venaria Reale” Foundation has enabled the launch of the first Degree Course in Cultural Heritage Conservation and Restoration, enabling students to embark on a career as a restorer. In 2016, prior to the launch of one of the professional training pathways on the degree course, Intesa Sanpaolo helped set up a restoration Workshop for paper, photographic, film and digital materials. Every year the Bank gives the Workshop students access to items from its art collections for educational purposes, confirming the Bank’s unstinting restauration and conservation work for its artistic heritage.
One hundred items from the Intesa Sanpaolo collections were restored between 2017 and 2019, including paper documents (antique maps and original prints from the 20th century), photographs and three debut works by 20th-century artists chosen as the subject of master’s degree studies and dissertations (a work by Aldo Mondino in 2017, Ennio Morlotti in 2018 and Giulio Turcato in 2019).
Since 2019 the CCR Foundation has been responsible for restoring the important Publifoto photographic Archives acquired by the Bank.

Careers in Art. Le professioni dell’arte
Designed to introduce young people to careers in the world of art, fine craftsmanship and the creative economy, the programme started life at Gallerie d’Italia and is run in partnership with Turin’s Next Level Association.
Following the success of the pilot scheme in 2016 at Gallerie d’Italia in Naples, it ran original art careers projects for secondary school students from Milan, Naples and Vicenza for the school years 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 as part of the Italian Government’s “work-based learning” programme (Law n. 107 of 13 July 2015). The programme has been renewed for the school year 2019-2020.
Students take part in theoretical and practical workshops at the Gallerie d’Italia, completing technical and specialist training pathways led by professionals.
The programmes aim to introduce young people to the idea of a career in the art and fine craftsmanship sectors, reflecting Italy’s culture, creativity and entrepreneurial vocation.
They are designed to help prevent youth unemployment, supporting students plan their careers and gain transversal cultural skills useful for the world of work.