Appunti di Tecnica Bancaria
Raffaele Mattioli, edited by Francesca Pino
Raffaele Mattioli, edited by Francesca Pino Lanciano, Carabba, 2006 ("Economisti abruzzesi” series, edited by Pierluigi Ciocca and Marcello De Cecco, n. 5)
At the express request of the Rector, Father Agostino Gemelli, and at the invitation of Marcello Boldrini, chair of the faculty of Political Science, Raffaele Mattioli held the Professorship of Banking and Finance at Milan’s Cattolica University from the academic year 1939/40 to the academic year 1944/45. The unique and invaluable collaboration between the great banker and Cattolica University was interrupted by the grave events of the war and by Mattioli’s transfer to Rome as part of Comit’s Central Administration. A key testimony of Mattioli’s teaching career, during which he was assisted by Domenico Boffito and Alberto Ferrari, are his “Appunti di Tecnica Bancaria”, lecture notes published in 1941 and 1942 and virtually impossible to find until now. The introduction provides an insight into “Mattioli the economist: forms of writing over the years”, contextualising the Notes in the broader framework of banking personnel training in the corporatist age. An invaluable note written by Mattioli with the course programme, reproduced in the book, aids our understanding of the Lecture notes and points to topics which were not developed further. Francesco Cesarini’s essay on developments in Banking and Finance education and Raffaele Mattioli’s didactic approaches will be published soon.