Ca’ de Sass
Intesa Sanpaolo
Built between 1868 and 1872 by architect Giuseppe Balzaretti, the original home of Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde stands out for its neo-Renaissance style, inspired by the 15th-century traditions of the Florentine palazzos owned by the great merchant and banking families. An architectural model for the Savings Banks of post-Unification Italy, its ashlar structure of regular stone blocks inspired its original moniker of Ca’ de Sass.
Via Monte di Pietà, Milan, Italy
Via Monte di Pietà, Milan, MI, Italia
La Ca' de Sass di via Monte di Pietà : il luogo e l'edificio O. Selvafolta in "Ca' de Sass", n. 129, march 1995
Ca' de Sass. Milano. Guido Zucconi. Crocetta del Montello, Terra Ferma 2010