Cent’anni 1894-1994. La Banca Commerciale e l’economia italiana
Gianni Toniolo
Milan, Banca Commerciale Italiana, 1994
Designed as an elegant overview of Banca Commerciale Italiana’s first hundred years in business and aimed at a wider audience in Italy and beyond, this historical profile remains the only synopsis on this subject. Written by Professor Gianni Toniolo in association with Comit’s Historical Archives, it focuses on the bank’s history in an international framework.
From its foundation in the wake of the banking crisis of 1892-1893 with exclusively foreign capital, the volume moves on to Comit’s contribution as a universal bank in the early years of industrial expansion, its unrivalled overseas systems, the events of the two World Wars, the banking crises and reorganisation of the 1930s, reconstruction and the economic boom, to stagflation and the restructuring of leading Italian businesses. The book naturally gives space to the cultural investments made by Raffaele Mattioli and his successors, focusing particularly on their contributions to historical and artistic legacies.
The unfolding of events is accompanied by extensive biographical notes and key images sourced both internally and externally. Included in the appendix is an account of the bank’s successive chairpersons and managing directors.