Creating the Best Business Archive. Achieving a good return on investment
Francesca Pino
Milan, Hoepli, 2017
The book gathers the papers presented at the annual Conference of the International Council on Archives (ICA) – Section on Business Archives (SBA), “Creating the Best Business Archive: Achieving a good return on investment”, held in Milan on 15 and 16 June 2015 during the World EXPO.
The Conference concentrated on two topics of importance for any business archive seeking to obtain a good return on investment: the requirements for creating the best corporate archive and the means of assessing and reaping the benefits of its activities.
The papers outline best practices and describe their authors’ experiences in recent years in four key areas: inhouse promotion, external promotion, digital conservation and electronic information management, networking.
In this sense, the contributions highlight the diverse legal structures and management models adopted by business archives, as well as the increasing range of strategies used to achieve internal sustainability and/or the external input designed to safeguard them.
The book is a useful resource for business archive managers and professionals wishing to update their skills and grow their strategic abilities.